This is one of my dinosaur toys that I copied. I did a challenge of drawing it without using pencil.
A Triceratops drawing. I also did it step by step like the T-Rex but from a different website. Once I was done, my dad added shade wherever it was supposed to be.
This is my second elephant drawing. Unlike the first one, I drew this by step by step. The first drawing shows both tusks.
The drawing below is one of my least favorite drawings. This is my first step by step drawing of a T-Rex.
The drawing below is my second T-Rex drawing which was better than the first one above. I copied it step by step to make it good.
A Triceratops drawing. I also did it step by step like the T-Rex but from a different website. Once I was done, my dad added shade wherever it was supposed to be.
This is a step by step drawing of a Spinosaurus. The sail is short in this drawing and starts from the arm to the tail.